Welcome to the surgery. Our receptionists can assist you with your request to register with the practice. If you are transferring directly from another GP surgery in the UK then you may register by post. If not then you will need to register for the surgery in person and you do not always need to bring any ID.
People with no fixed living accommodation such as the homeless and or Travellers are able to register easily with our practice.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) ‘Refugees and migrants have the fundamental right, as do all human beings, to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social conditions’ Therefore, Stepping Stone Practice welcomes migrants to the UK including refugees, asylum seekers, and undocumented migrants.
You will be asked to attend a new patient health check shortly after joining the surgery. This allows us to be aware of any previous treatments before your records arrive and also gives you the chance for a good check-up. All patients will be given a named GP at registration or check-up. Although you might like to see your registered doctor, sometimes it may be necessary to see another GP within the practice.
We endeavour to provide translation services and BSL support.
Thinking of joining us? Please click on the tab above to fill in our online pre-registration form.
Catchment Area
Practice Area
If you wish to register with the practice please click here to check if your address is in our catchment area.