Our current Patient Participation Group (PPG) is made up of up to 15 members.
The group meets 6 times a year and enables patients’ voices to be heard and acted upon.
The PPG was first established in 2004 and has met regularly during this time and provided a two-way communication between patients and staff, helping the Practice to improve services to patients.
Join our PPG
If you would like to contribute to improving the services we offer our patients please consider joining the Patient Participation Group.
New members are welcome at any time. You do not need to be able to attend any of the meetings we hold, you can be a ‘virtual’ group member.
As a virtual member you will still receive the meeting papers and you can provide your feedback outside of the meetings.
If you are interested in joining the group either as a virtual member or to attend the meetings we would like to hear from you. Please read our PPG email contact for more information and complete the form or contact the Practice PPG Administrator, Rosemary Emmonds on 01254 961562.
Minutes of meetings
Please click on the links below to view the minutes of the most recent PPG meetings: